Medical Internship in Vietnam Review

"assisted physiotherapist with some hands-on work"

Highlights of your trip
observed surgeons to conduct surgery; assisted physiotherapist with some hands-on works; group activities with other volunteers.
Comments on the local team, food and accommodation
Excellent coordination and very responsible! Food is all good for me. The accommodation is good for me too, but perhaps the bed can be cleaner as I felt something (mites?) was biting me while sleeping! But overall is very good!
Any improvements to help us be better?
I really love the idea of medical placement for pre-med students. However not many people can free multiple weeks for oversea volunteering and therefore 1 week placement is a really good period which I hope all other medical programs can have a 1 week option if possible. But of course only 1 week placement may not enough for us to learn.

Link to Medical Internship in Vietnam


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