sitting on top of a hill overlooking countryside

Volunteer Application

Ready to become a global volunteer? It’s really easy! Here is an overview…

Volunteer Abroad with IVI Fiji placements

IVI Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Project Details

Arrivals are on Sundays (projects start Mon). If arriving Sat, an extra night is charged.
Select date DD slash MM slash YYYY
e.g. Were you referred by anyone? Travelling with another volunteer? Any questions for us, or more info on other projects you are interested in, etc.

Your Details

This helps with arranging accommodation.
Date of Birth*
This helps identify you at airport pick-up.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 12 GB.
    This could be any physical/ mental conditions which may affect your volunteering.
    We will do our best to accommodate.

    Emergency Contact

    Emergency Contact Name*

    Cover Letter

    Please tell us why you have chosen to volunteer, any qualifications/ skills which may be helpful on this project, and any related information, such as proposed itineray, etc.
    0 of 1000 max characters
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, txt, Max. file size: 12 GB.