Fiji Islands Teaching Review

"I totally loved being there and want to return and continue the work there! I'm so thankful for this opportunity and the people I met."

Dear Lauren,

“Honestly, I’ve done lots of mission trips during these six years but this trip was the special one, the best one ever!”

Thank you! I’m now back in Finland but terribly missing Fiji and my students. Can’t wait to come back for longer term next year!  It was my first time being a teacher in another country and that’s why I guess I got a deeper touch to the kids than never before.

I just loved being with the students at school and after school since some of the students were staying at the campus.

It was such a nice surprise that the school was Christianity based, so I got to do ministry among the kids there a lot: teaching them Bible, praying for them etc. Such a perfect place for me. I was teaching year 7 and I observed some lessons but mostly was teaching them and also substituting that class  and few other classes as well, sometimes even two at once.

My teaching in Fiji practice went really well: I was exceeded all the hours meant for observing and teaching. I fulfilled my objectives set for the practice and the feedback form students and supervisor was great!

The students really liked me and hoped that I could have stayed and come back! They kept saying that I’m the best teacher in the whole world ? I hanged out with the hostel kids a lot and went to their rooms in the evening to sing and pray for them. They always gave me their Bible to read out loud. They wanted me to sing to them and I taught them few song in English and Finnish (There’s power in the name of Jesus). School days were long, till 4 pm many days. After school I went for beach for an hour or two and then left for village to pray for the sick. In the evenings visited hostel kids and had time with the host family. We had family devotions in the evening, as well. I made the school’s computer room for my place since the family hadn’t spare rooms. Computer room was just a great place to stay. In the evenings, I was also be able to work on my laptop to plan the lessons.

During weekends, I went to one island with the other volunteer to snorkle and the next weekend I was invited to another island with the hostel kids. I was hosted by my student’s family there. Even though I was in fever the last days, I was able to carry out the program and enjoy spending time with the kids.

I totally loved being there and want to return and continue the work there! I’m so thankful for this opportunity and the people I met.

Highlights of the trip:

Highlights of the trip was time spent with the students. Weekend away on another island was great: I was able to play and swim a lot with the kids. Also, the surprise farewell dinner organised by my class was amazing and heart-moving: their families had prepared dishes, they had dressed up, put the class nice and made some gifts for me. All the encounters with the locals, beautiful beaches and successful teaching experience (was first time to teach in English!!) made my time! The whole trip was a highlight of my year and life itself.


Comments on the team, food and accommodation:

The host family was really kind, understanding and supportive. They took really good care of me and were thoughtful when giving me the computer room to have some own privacy. Accommodation was good.

Food was good and local. They made sure I’ve eaten enough! ?

No complaints.

Any improvements to help us be better:

The information online about the lenght of the school day was not corresponding with the reality. In real, the school day was from 8 am to 5-4 pm. For my case, I was happy and relieved since I was worried about completing the hours for the practice if the school days were that short. Luckily, I got all the hours completed, even more than supposed, and really enjoyed being with the students. So, it wasn’t that bad for me. Maybe for the future, updates of the school days’ lenght could be added to the webpage ?

Thank you for all the support and co-operation! It was a plesure being part of the project via IVI.

Sure, will use that 75 dollars off next time. I’ll contact you later in the next spring as it becomes clearer if I’m able to return in July or August till November.

Have a great week!




beach and children shot island teaching program fiji

great photos from noora the volunteer on yanuya noora doing the rounds on the island teaching project on the beach with the kids



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