Fiji Nutrition Outreach – Review

There were so many highlights to this trip! However the one that stood out the most was living in Moala village for one week. The team of us who were placed in Moala were instantly taken in by the family we were living and were made to feel part of the family.

The people we visited in Moala, Yako and Korovuto were so welcoming and grateful to receive health checks. Visiting people in their homes and in the community halls within the villages, it was evident culture and family are so important. The women that live in these villages are the centre to their families, they care for their families and sometimes this can impact negatively on their health. It is important that we conducted health checks on these women because it provides an opportunity for them to make lifestyle changes that will improve their health so they can be healthy for longer and care for their families. There are local champiosn within each of the communities which provides a sense of hope that they will influence others within the community to take care of their health and make healthier food choices.

One observation I found interesting was the traditional Fijian diet eaten in the villages. The food was not particuarly unhealthy, however the addition of flour, sugar and simple carbohydrates (e.g. rice and casava) in very large amounts eaten on a daily basis is contributing towards high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels. Changes take time, and by community members making small changes to their diet blood pressure and blood sugar levels will improve.

This trip was challenging, rewarding, overwhelming, amazing and so enjoyable. I am grateful for this experience, for the people I met and for the wonderful people who cared for us throughout the 2 weeks. This trip has inspired me to pursue work in global health and the pacific islands, and I hope one day I will be back to reconnect with the beautiful people I met on this trip 🙂

Comments on local team, food and accommodation
The local team were wonderful. It was great to be able to live with the local team for 2 weeks and enjoy traditional cooked food and listen to their stories and feel part of their family.

The food provided on the trip was great, however one recommendation would be to include more protein in each of the meals so volunteers feel satisfied throughout the day.

The accomodation was lovely and was nice to be able to share with other team members because this allowed us to get to know one another and share stories and debrief about our day doing health health checks in the villages.

Any improvements to help us be better?
It would be great to provide volunteers with more detail on accomodation prior to the trip starting. Also a very high level itinerary would be helfpul in the lead up to the trip, however I understand ‘Fiji time’ and that plans can change and a detailed schedule may not be ideal.


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