Women & Children’s Commune Review – Fiji

What a fantastic trip! It all came about when I didn’t get into an overseas program with University and knew I had to have some sort of learning experience whilst overseas. And what a great experience where I have learnt so much! Each day we would assist in the kindergarten from 8 till 12, then we’d spend time with the ladies in the office assisting with any office tasks. In the afternoon, once the school children returned, we played out in the field. Right up until sunset we would play hand clapping games, soccer, rugby, and pani (Fijian yard game). The kids were absolutely gorgeous and everyone was so friendly and welcoming. The highlight would be some of the local guys taking us to a waterfall! We had to hike through a sugar cane plantation to the base of the sleeping giant where we then got to jump in and swim at the local watering hole.

Comments on local team, food and accommodation
Litea (or mum as she insisted we call her, by the end of the trip she certainly was out Na). She managed to cook for us all whilst managing the office and taking care of her two adopted children.
The food certainly offered us an insight into the Fijian cuisine. We all became obsessed with Tapoka by the end of the trip. We were also very greatful for Mere taking us to the local market so we could enjoy some fresh produce too.

Any improvements to help us be better?
Would be good if the person who assists with what donations are necessary has spent some time in Lovu Hart. Whilst we managed to donate over 28kg of supplies it would have been good to know the demographics of the commune to know how to cater to everyone.




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