Places in FIJI

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English Teaching, Fiji – Review

I learned a lot about cultural differences, which is interesting. We, the Japanese do not insist on our opinion, but Fijian children insist on what they think a lot. The children were always friendly and welcomed me to Fiji. On 1st day of volunteering, they asked my name and were around me with a big smile. They jumped to my …

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Public Health Outreach in Fiji – Review

“The team of us who were placed in Moala were instantly taken in by the family we were living and were made to feel part of the family. I am grateful for this experience, for the people I met and for the wonderful people who cared for us throughout the 2 weeks. This trip has inspired me to pursue work …

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Public Health in Fiji Review

“I am so blessed to have been lead by amazing dietician and naturopathic professionals who have inspired what I hope to be in this field one day. Words and pictures could never capture how life changing this experience was, and what beautiful souls these people hold. Pictures also don’t capture how challenging and uncomfortable it was at times, but it …

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Fiji 2024 – Nutrition Outreach Review

What a fantastic trip. Getting the opportunity to live in a village for a week was so incredibly special, and all of our hosts quickly became like family. The work itself was challenging at times but very rewarding, and I felt like we were making a difference within the communities that we worked in. We were also so lucky to …

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Fiji Nutrition Outreach – Review

There were so many highlights to this trip! However the one that stood out the most was living in Moala village for one week. The team of us who were placed in Moala were instantly taken in by the family we were living and were made to feel part of the family. The people we visited in Moala, Yako and …

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