Primary School English Teaching Thailand

"I am leaving Thailand soon, and I am not the same person I was when I arrived."

Hi Lauren, 


Thankyou and yes I had the most amazing experience! I have attached a few photos we took in Sing Buri, I’ll send some photos of the kids once I get the photos on my phone onto my computer 🙂 


Highlights of the trip:


-Interacting with the kids, who are so genuinely excited to see you. It’s amazing how accepting, grateful and respectful they are!

-Meeting people from all around the world, particularly Europe! Made friends with girls from all over Europe and America, whom we met up in Bangkok for the weekend!

-The locals: everyone was so friendly and welcoming, and more than happy to help with directions. 


Comments on the team, food and accommodation: 

The team, particularly the team leaders, were lovely and always tried their best to answer your questions and were very informative regarding plans, times, meeting points etc. The shared dorms were also great, and were important in getting to know to others. The food was nice most days too, and kept us going throughout the day. 


Any improvements to help us be better:

 -More preparation for classes- i.e information on the best/most effective way to teach the kids. 

-Regarding food, more vegetarian options. 


Kind regards, 



Teaching Placement Thailand


The golden buddha in thailand volunteer enjoying welcome ceremony in thailand



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