Women Empowerment Program Review in Nepal

I am deeply grateful for the privilege of getting to spend time with these women. Many of them were married at a young age and received very little education, but their determination to learn is inspiring. Getting to know them has given me a deeper appreciation for all the opportunities I have had in my life and it is incredibly rewarding to be able to share some of that with them. I have been able to see the difference I have made in such a short time and I have enjoyed learning from them as well.

Comments on local team, food and accommodation
The local team has shown such wonderful hospitality and I have felt supported throughout my time here. The food is delicious and I have enjoyed learning how to prepare some traditional food. The people are very warm and welcoming and I will miss them greatly.

Any improvements to help us be better?
It would be helpful to have a curriculum to follow so that we are able to teach more effectively and help the women learn as much as possible while they are at the school.



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