North QLD Wildlife Sanctuary Review

The best experience I have had since I’ve been in Australia. It took me a good week or so to get used to serenity and quietness of working at the zoo, but after that I can honestly say that as the weeks progressed the more enjoyment I took from the job.

As has been outlined in previous reviews, the work is very reasonable and not hard, provided you have some common sense (something I did lack on occasions!) My work mainly consisted of maintaining the cleanliness of the Kookaburra cages, open flight area, general maintenance of the zoo and other varied jobs, such as weeding, spraying and feeding crocodiles, kangaroos etc.

The accommodation and food provided are, in my opinion, fantastic. Volunteers have their own house, which is spacious and well maintained. Breakfast is always made at reception, with lunch and dinner provided maybe 2 or 3 times a week. When volunteers do cook for themselves however, you are provided with plenty of fruit, vegetables, meat, pasta etc so you certainly won’t go hungry.

As for the hosts. Well, what can I say about Donna and Gil? Despite having a tough start to my time at the Zoo, I became quite accustomed to Gil’s mannerisms. The facts are that both hosts have great personalities and, provided you come to the zoo to work, they are more than happy to let you into their lives. When it came the time for me to leave I was genuinely sorry to leave (especially the 3 dingo puppies), and would go back there in a heartbeat. Thank you for the experience Donna and Gil, it was awesome. 


Michael (UK)

Australian Zoo Placement

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