Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update

*Please keep checking back, we will be updating this page when/if new info comes in

*Updated 27th March 2020

Due to the recent and ongoing outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), IVI have some important updates. As always, your health and safety are of the upmost importance to us and we are doing everything we can to monitor the current situation.

We understand your concerns and worries due to the recent coronavirus outbreak and we would like to reassure you that we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our volunteers. We are constantly monitoring the latest government and public health advice globally and will keep you updated throughout this time if anything further changes. We thank you for your support and understanding at this time.

Please contact us if you have any worries or require further information after reading the post below.

Have Any Programs Been Suspended?

Unfortunately, at present all of our projects have been suspended due to fear of the virus spreadig further. We have sent an email to advise anyone that has already booked on our projects, but please do contact us if you have further questions.

Can I Change or Delay my Project?

In light of the circumstances, we are allowing all placements with arrivals in March, April and May to be changed or postponed to a future date from the 1st June onwards, at no additional cost. Volunteers can change destinations, projects or delay their project until August 2021 without any extra charge. We are watching the situation closely so if any changes affecting your destination occur, we will inform you straight away.

Does it Remain Safe to Travel Abroad?

WorIdwide travel restrictions have been put in place, with any countries in lockdown We do not advice travel at this time for yours and others safety. IVI does suggest taking sensible safety precautions if travel is essential:

  • Regular hand washing for at least 20 seconds
  • Using hand sanitiser if out in public places
  • Check details of your travel insurance and make sure you are covered for overseas healthcare
  • Check your airline for any coronavirus travel updates
  • Ensure you have a back up of money in case of delays or emergencies
  • Keep checking updates and travel advice for the country you plan to visit and whilst abroad
  • Contact a medical centre if you feel unwell

If you do start to feel unwell before you leave for your trip abroad, we would suggest you self-isolate yourself at home and to contact your local medical centre. You will be able to delay the start of your project until August 2021, so to prevent further spread of the disease we ask that if you do feel unwell, to delay your project.

Can I Still Book A Trip With IVI?

Yes you can, although do contact us about booking on one of our currently suspended projects, even if you do want to book ahead of time. We understand that you may be worried about travelling during the coronavirus outbreak but there is still nothing stopping you from booking a trip for the future months or the following year.

Having something to look forward to and work towards can really make a difference, knowing you will still be able to go on your trip of a lifetime, even if it is a bit later than wanted! Having something booked for the future will have those plans in place and gives you some extra time to prepare and save for your volunteering trip abroad.

Where Can I Find Updated Health Advice?

If you are worried about certain destinations or current safety advice, then you can keep updated on these sites:

World Health Organisation (WHO):

Australia Gov Site:

UK Gov Site:

US Gov Site:


Please contact us if you any queries about our projects.

We thank volunteers for your patience and understanding during this time and are working our hardest to answer all of your questions and queries. Please keep checking back for any further changes and the latest advice and information for our projects. If you do have to change or delay your project, try not to worry, you will still get to go on an amazing trip abroad and give back to deserving communities.

group sitting on the beach at sunset

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