Most Affordable 1 week Volunteer Programs with IVI

Only got a week free? No worries, we accept that for a lot of people, you may only have a short time off from work or university studies. As many of our volunteers are students, we try and keep our program fees as low as we can, but still delivery high value programs!

Some of our 1 week volunteer programs are more affordable than others however and in this post we will list our 10 most affordable 1 week volunteer programs across worldwide destinations.

Teaching Refugees and assisting in the camps in Turkey

1 Week Program fee: No program fees, only $299 application fee

We have paired up with a fantastic local NGO on the ground in Turkey, who have been helping displaced people and refugees since 1014. They implement education and empowerment programs to create sustainable and just change. The initiative aims to bring lasting and long-term solutions to the challenges in the lives of displaced people through its innovative programs.

Refugee children are legally entitled to enter state education, but many factors act as barriers to this becoming a reality. The first being the need for a basic level of Turkish comprehension. In order to enter formal schooling and also participate in everyday life, being able to communicate is paramount.

The Back to School Programme provides lessons in reading, writing and basic maths and science. Since the program focuses on the children of refugee families who are generally engaged in agricultural work in Turkey, it is carried out in the rural areas of Izmir, where there is a high concentration of workers. Thanks to supporters, a bus was purchased in 2021 and its interior was designed as an education classroom. Thus, educational activities are not interrupted due to seasonal conditions.

The local team run education activities for the children. Those activities aim to fill up the educational gaps so children can better integrate the schooling system. That means literacy and basic mathematics and Turkish, but also socialisation and concentration activities. You can participate in the activities by supporting the teachers, especially with smaller children (age 2-6). Speaking Arabic would obviously help you communicate, but you can easily manage with sign language!

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Jungle Conservation in Ecuador


1 Week Program fee: $300

This program is tailored for genuine nature enthusiasts seeking an eco-adventure and who are open to embracing the modest accommodations provided within the project. Volunteers will have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the jungle environment, gain insights into the traditions and practices of the Shuar culture, all while contributing to nearby schools and engaging in community efforts. These activities include house and latrine construction, machete-assisted trail maintenance, reforestation, agricultural projects, and afternoon sessions dedicated to crafting.

Facilities on this placement can be basic, no water, phones, wifi, or electricity! This can be a challenge but all part of the experience!

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Rural School Community Support Bodhgaya, India

school kids in india

1 Week Program fee: $345

This placement is centered around a rural school just outside of Bodghaya. The school is an educational institution that truly caters to the most vulnerable communities many of which live in extreme poverty.

The students come from the surrounding villages (approx 600 population) which lack basic infrastructure and without this school, would have virtually no access to education. For these agricultural driven communities, the reality of unjust social hierarchy simply does not allow children of poor families to receive an education.

The school is the first of it’s kind in this area as such it has faced incredible resistance from the village elites with a lack of understanding of the community benefits associated with ‘new’ knowledge systems and formal education opportunities.

Slowly but surely, the pupil base has grown exponentially over the years harnessing a powerful spirit of pride, acceptance and opportunity.

As a volunteer guest you will receive truly incredible Indian hospitality, as you are welcomed by hundreds of intrigued and appreciative smiling faces. There are a myriad of inspiring activities you can get involved with that will make a lasting difference to the school and community.

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Environmental Conservation Philippines

Planting new mangrove

1 Week Program fee: $370

The aim of this project is to conserve mangrove plantations in Tigman village. The objective is to reverse the trend of removing mangrove sites, which has seen a rapid increase during recent years from natural disasters and other social issues. This can realistically only be achieved through the education of younger generations, combined with the continual physical work of planting new mangroves.

Spend your time on conserving Palawan’s mangrove plantations, a vital habitat for its marine life. This unique ecosystem area serves as a coastal barrier, slowing storm surge, and reducing beach erosion. Other eco-efforts include planting mahogany and moringa tree seeds for the local village.

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Rural Primary School in Samraong, Cambodia

Students in class

1 Week Program fee: $375

Providing free education, the school now holds over 200 children from nearby villages who eagerly rely on the support and care provided by the many volunteers and local staff which make this place so special. The school is a model and reminder of the power that international volunteerism can provide to communities in need.

The school caters to children mostly aged 10-15 years old who currently possess only a basic level of English. With classroom size generally between 25-30 students, the school is equipped with basic teaching resources such as flash cards and blackboards. The school very gratefully accepts any donated materials such as books, games and writing utensils.

The School also has an adjourning vegetable garden where students are given a small plot of land to farm their own vegetables. Farming is typically the main source of income for families in these areas, so this is an important skill and unique school offering. Much of the school has been built through aid from international volunteers and local tradesman.

Teaching time with the students runs from 8am to 11am in the morning and then 2pm to 5pm in the afternoon. Volunteer teachers generally take 1 teaching shift combined with some light construction, gardening or other options depending on the skill set of the volunteer. We have a high level of flexibility of volunteer input for this project. As well as being done in the traditional classroom sense, we actively encourage creative input. This can be in the form of drawing, art, singing or activities with the children.

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Community Beautification in Chios Greece


1 Week Program fee: $380

Following years of enduring economic turmoil coupled with the more recent refugee influx and the Covid-19 pandemic, the infrastructure of Chios Island’s public establishments has deteriorated. These establishments are grappling with the challenge of securing finances and manpower to undertake crucial developmental tasks.

Apprentices, interns, and volunteers channel their enthusiasm into enhancing the infrastructure of local public institutions, including schools and elderly care homes that serve the community. Daycare centres, homes for the elderly, and schools offer invaluable services within the local vicinity, managing to operate with minimal resources. However, as each year concludes, there remains limited funding for maintaining the physical structures, underscoring the increasing urgency for regular upkeep and renewal efforts.

Classrooms and recreational areas should not only facilitate but also inspire learning, and this is precisely the goal of the local initiative through its voluntary programs. Simultaneously, parks and other communal spaces such as beaches and trails suffer from inadequate maintenance and litter accumulation. With your active contribution, we can provide support for Chios’s community, enabling you to play a key role in creating a lasting impact. 

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Animal Shelter in Fiji

Fiji animal shelter volunteer

1 Week Program fee: $395

The Animal Care Project in Fiji serves the purpose of caring for unwanted animals and helping to educate the local people about the importance of a animal care awareness including spay and neutering. You may be a pre-university student considering a career in veterinary medicine, an undergraduate, a qualified vet or animal lover.    What ever your skill level we have opportunities for you to get your hands dirty!

Volunteers work at various animal shelters in around the Nadi / Lautoka area.  The veterinary doctors who work in the clinics will be able to share their knowledge and experience with you.  You will gain valuable general and specialist animal experience sure to boost your resume in a highly competitive field.

When you volunteer with animals, you’ll assist with the general running of animal centres.  Feeding, training, exercise, bathing, grooming, and loving the animals will be your main tasks, however volunteers with specialist skills can get involved in procedures and operations.  There is always a need for administrative assistance in the office as well as marketing and advertising support campaigning and educational materials.  In conclusion, you will see first hand how the running of a animal shelter works.

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Environmental Conservation near Arusha, Tanzania

Collecting leaves tanzania

1 Week Program fee: $395

This project works with an environmental club via a local school and encourages students to learn more on environmental conservation. You have an excellent opportunity to provide them with critical knowledge about this subject, advising students on how to interact with their environment in the right way. Your time will be spent educating local citizens to be more environmentally responsible and actively working in the area. By teaching future generations, you can have a lasting impact on these communities.

Your daily activities will be a combination of tasks depending on the weather or season. You will most likely work on tree planting in the forest and in community spaces and helping in the tree nursery. You can also get involved in bee keeping and with the environmental club, teaching classes in the local school or community halls, focused at the kids and teenagers.

Everyone is welcome to join this program, particularly those working or studying in the forestry field, as this can be a fantastic way of increasing your skills. With an opportunity to work alongside real park rangers, you’ll be able to exchange your knowledge with them and work as a team.

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Woman’s Empowerment & Education, Nepal

womens empowerment group nepal

1 Week Program fee: $395

Many woman come from rural parts of Nepal in search for employment opportunities for their families. Most of these woman are deprived of education and work as housemaids but do not have even basic education which makes it very hard to find new opportunities for a better life in this day and age where education is so important.  

As foreigner with a western education, you can have a serious impact on the life’s of these woman. You’ll have the opportunity to teach various subjects with simple conversational English of significant assistance. Through this basic conversation and structured lessons you will broaden their perspectives providing real lasting opportunity. All higher education in Nepal is in English, so it is vitally important that they learn English.

A trained teacher will assist you in preparing lessons with the main target of motivating younger and elder women and encouraging their hidden talents. You will teach and educate adult women of different age groups and with different learning capacities. You can use various methods in your teaching but will also be providing a course book as a reference aid to provide structure for first time teachers.  

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Healthcare Education Ubud, Bali


1 Week Program fee: $410

The aim of this project is to provide free nutritional & healthcare services for the prevention of many avoidable health problems and easily communicable diseases prevalent in developing countries like Bali.

Established medical and healthcare professionals or those interested in teaching nutrition, basic first-aid and personal hygiene are desired.

*Please note that this is an education project, in schools, where you will teach on hygiene and basic healthcare practices. There may be a chance for qualified healthcare professionals to help set up and conduct health camps including dental checkups and general health assessments in schools, but this must be pre-arranged with the team and cannot be guaranteed, so please ask if you wish to partake in performing health check-ups, so we can organise.

Nutritionists and Naturopaths can implement classes around healthy eating, the healthy plate, exercise and the importance of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and low in processed sugar.

Education in the areas of basic first-aid and personal hygiene such as washing hands, brushing teeth and general cleanliness are also involved. This may seem trivial to those raised in western societies; however, these services assist greatly towards the prevention of many avoidable health problems and easily communicable diseases in developing communities.

You will spend 1-2 hours each morning preparing lessons and about 2-3 hours in the afternoon teaching at a local elementary or high school/university.

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