Nepal Volunteer Interview

Here is one of our recent volunteers Kai, speaking about his trip to Nepal, a country full of adventure & culture! Well known for the stunning peaks of the Himalaya’s & Everest Base Camp, Nepal is for the adventurous who want to help give back. We have amazing project options across Kathmandu (the capital city) and Pokhara (the incredible mountain town approx 8 hours from Kathmandu).

What were your first initial reactions to Nepal?

I thought it was like India but seemed a little bit more organised and not as chaotic on the roads. This was at night however and during the day is a bit of a different story. The people seemed friendly, and scenery was beautiful.

How was the pickup from the airport, was it easy to find the team?

Yes, Abhay was waiting for me and I saw him as soon as I exited the airport.

What was the local team, accommodation and food like?

I loved the local team. It’s nice to have people similar of age. The accommodation was good and the food was nice. One recommendation – More protein 😊 haha.

How did you travel around outside of the program, was it easy?

Travelling outside the program is easy. I recommend getting these apps: inDrive & MAPS.ME. This is basically the uber and direction tools to navigate through Nepal.

What was your favourite place to visit and why?

Pokhara was my favourite place to visit. It is a vibrant city in a jungle with snowy mountains in the background. The vibe was high and the scenery was phenomenal. There was also many backpackers and tourists so it was great for meeting many young people like myself.

What are the differences between Kathmandu and Pokhara? Which would you recommend?

Kathmandu is more of a chaotic city with a lot of fog. Pokhara is a quieter city in a jungle with cleaner air and more beauty.

What are some of the things you can do in your free time in Kathmandu and Pokhara?

Hiking, rafting, safari’s, eating, scooter hire, zip line, activities, sightseeing, temples.

What time of year did you go and what was the weather like?

I went in May and the weather was quite hot and muggy. You don’t need many layers at this time of year. There was a lot of fog until the rain came and cleared it.

kathmandu culture

Learn More:

Kathmandu Culture week

Pokhara English Teaching

All Nepal programs!



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