Teaching on Remote Fiji Island: Review by Pia

"the kids showed me a secret beach."

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to work and live on the island, I had an amazing time.

Highlights of the trip:
Living so close to the local people and spending all my time with them.
I remember that one day where the kids showed me a secret beach. Another volunteer and around 20 kids, including my two host brothers climbed over a hill, just to arrive on this breathtaking beach. We played in the water and in the sand all day, the kids climbed trees to get coconuts and papayas. One of my favorite days ever!

Comments on the team, food and accommodation:
Masi was really helpful and it was easy to communicate.
The food is very basic. It’s basically instant noodles, taro and cassava every day, some canned vegetables and chicken. For me it was not a problem and I got used to it very quickly. Some more fruits and vegetables would be great though.
My host family was amazing! I have rarely met such a caring and hospitable family. I had my own room to sleep in and I shared bathroom, toilet and kitchen with them. The standard was higher than I expected. The house is on the school compound, so it’s close to where the boarding students live and close to the village.
It’s a fantastic island, there are many pretty beaches and the village is beautiful. Of course there are problems, for example the stray dogs that are treated very badly or the insufficient drinking water supply.

A better structure for what work needs to be done. Most mornings when I arrived at school they just told me to see where help is needed. So I couldn’t help as effectively as I hoped. I was allowed to teach for only two or three times. I think it would be really helpful if a volunteer could teach a small group of students who need extra support.

I am looking forward for my certificate and if I’m interested in volunteering again I will definitely come back to you.

Best regards,

Remote Fiji Island Teaching 

Fiji island teachingvolunteer teaching Fiji with IVI

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