Bali Review – Primary School Teaching


Thank you. This was an amazing trip and probably the most rewarding experience of my life. I really enjoyed every aspect of it. Here is my feedback:

Highlights of the trip:

The cultural experience and being able to live with locals and having the opportunity to experience the local life style. I also really enjoyed my teaching project. My highlight was teaching my grade 6 class and being able to notice an improvement in their English during my 2 weeks. This really made me happy to see that I have made a difference.

Comments on the team, food and accommodation:

The coordinators at were very friendly and always helpful if I needed help with something. Some of the coordinators’ English wasn’t that good but communicating with them was still no issue. The food was mostly at high standards. I enjoy Indonesian food so this was no problem for me, I only would have liked more choice for breakfast. The accommodation was overall good, the bedroom was cleaned regularly and the bathroom was in good condition.

Any improvements to help us be better:

Overall my whole experience was always reaching my expectations and I would not have changed anything.  I would suggest that the coordinators should give more guidelines to the volunteers as others and I were sometimes lost. But in the end we always figured it out.

I hope this helps, I would again like to say that this was an amazing and mind-opening experience. I have learnt a lot from the locals, fellow volunteers and also the kids that I was teaching. I will never forget this and I am looking forward to volunteering again, perhaps in a different country next time.

Best regards,

Alicia Hartung



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