Nutrition & Public Health Fiji

Feedback and summary of my Volunteering Experience in Fiji


From the moment we arrived to Fiji we were greeted with smiling faces and welcomed into our home stay family.


At the Health Centre we were very grateful for all the time the staff spent orientating us to the Fijian culture and food practices. The centre does some amazing outreach work and has some inspirational health projects, we feel privileged to have been a very small part of these. We soon learnt about the local food and culture, which helped us to consult and help our patients. As volunteers we set out to provide assistance to the health centre, however, what we took away from the experience was far greater.


Working with the Red Cross post Natural Disaster Cyclone Wiston was something I will never forget. One thing that really sticks out in my mind was how the volunteering team came together after the cyclone. These volunteers were also effected by the cyclone but choose to rise up and spend there days in the hot sun assessing the damage and helping people in a similar or worse situation to them- this was so inspiring to see. The beautiful Fijians were all so welcoming, we would walk through rural villages to assess damage and those who had so little would always offer us something to drink or come out with smiling faces and open arms just happy to see someone helping. This experience is something I will hold close to me forever. I learnt a lot about strength and happiness from these beautiful people.

Tara, Australia 2016

Link to Nutrition & Public Health Fiji Project



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