Medical Program in Guatemala Review

All students in healthcare should work on this project! As a nursing student who is graduating soon, I was given the opportunity to work at Mis Anos Dorados in Jocotenango. I was able to perform full physical exams, administer medication and injections and build a relationship with the patients. Practicing my skills in a different environment was extremely beneficial and I believe will make me a better nurse with a new perspective. One thing I would recommend would be to brush up on your Spanish and take a class while you are working on this project. I felt as if my background and continuing education in Spanish were extremely helpful. This placement gave me a lot of autonomy as a student and I felt challenged which is the exact reason I wanted to go on this adventure. I am so thankful for my experience. I am hoping to come back in the near future and work on the same project. I had such a wonderful time.


Read more about medical volunteering in Guatemala


health checks on children

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