Philippines English Teaching Review

"My experience in Tigman, taught me how to be more present. Enjoy every single moment and dedicate my time to people"

Living outside your comfort zone, in a new country with a different culture from yours, sharing rooms and sleeping in bunk beds, having cold showers (which by the way I will miss) makes you look at life differently and appreciate the simple things.

I can’t put into words how rewarding it was working with the children. Teaching was a challenge but the feeling of contributing for their education and just being part of their everyday life, either in the classroom or just laying outside, is more than fulfilling. Energy that never runs out, eagerness to learn (and teach me), cheeky curiosity and genuine happiness. Pure happiness. Those are the words that would describe them.

My experience in Tigman, taught me how to be more present. Enjoy every single moment and dedicate my time to people. People who became friends just in a few days.

I will always remember the sunsets on the beach, eating the best banana fritters, the long talks in Tiki hut, dancing around the bonfire with a full moon, singing my heart out on Karaoke nights but most importantly, all the people I’ve met and were part of each moment. Kind hearts with open minds that went to make a difference. I leave Tigman with a full heart, ready to come back.
Salamat po, Tigman!

A big kiss and thanks to all members of The management here in the Philippines.


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