Food Shop, Vietnam Review

A life experience! Food program was very fulfilling, I felt useful and loved shearing moment with locals. I didn’t “cook” or prepared food as I expected, but I enjoyed anyways. We served the trays and filled the containers for take away meals. After working, we ate lunch at the food shop with the workers of the restaurant, and food was delicious!

The afternoons were free time, to visit the city, enjoy moments with your new friends or have a nap…
Weekends are for discovering the county, going to another city or another county… I visited Mui Né and Hoi An and really liked it.
I met lots of people, had fun and practiced my english!

Comments on local team, food and accommodation
The local team is adorable! They are always there if any help is needed or to recommend us places to visit. The food is good and the accommodation as well.

Any improvements to help us be better?
Describe better what we will to at the food shop, because I expected to help cooking and learn local dishes, but food was already prepared when we arrived at the food shop every morning. We served food.


Food Shop Info


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