Places in SRI LANKA

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Sri Lanka Turtle Conservation Review

Volunteering has been the best experience of my life; I met incredible people and will definitely never forget it. Comments on local team, food and accommodation The local food was amazing, and I will definitely want to prepare these dishes when I return home. The local team was very helpful, resolving any doubts immediately. The accommodation also met all my …

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Temple Restoration Review by Mary

I had a wonderful experience in Sri Lanka and I can’t thank the Hemantha and the team enough for what they gave me. I’ve learned so much and I was able to discover a different country and culture, in a way this experience alone was enough to teach me many things. I started my journey with the introduction week which …

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Sri Lanka Review: Ella & Daniela

We came to Sri Lanka intending to do 10 weeks of temple renovation, but after we arrived ended up doing 6 weeks of special needs, 2 weeks of temple renovation and hill country. That’s how flexible you can change and try new things anytime you like. The Community Project was by far the most meaningful to us both as the …

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Sri Lanka Special Needs Review by Arden

My experience in Sri Lanka was incredible! Every day, since the moment I arrived, to the day I left I felt safe! Not only did the leaders guide us through busy streets of Kandy and navigate the busses for us, tell us how to get places safely on weekends and provide a lovely home for us, they are also very …

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Childcare and Construction Volunteering Sri Lanka

  Sri Lanka: Highlights: The highlight of Sri Lanka was definitely the team; the drivers, coordinators, managers, chef, cleaners – everyone was so helpful and lovely. Everything felt very well organised and I felt very comfortable to talk about anything with them. The people of Sri Lanka in general were all so beautiful and friendly.    Team, food and accommodation: …

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