Places in VIETNAM

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Safety Tips for Volunteers: Navigating First Time Travel

Volunteering abroad can be a deeply rewarding experience, offering the chance to make a positive impact while immersing oneself in new cultures. However, travelling to unfamiliar environments also comes with its challenges, particularly concerning safety. Whether you’re teaching English in rural villages or building infrastructure in urban centres, prioritizing safety ensures a more enjoyable and impactful volunteer journey. Here are …

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Kindergarten Volunteering in Vietnam

I can only say one thing: if you are wondering whether you should really do a volunteer project in Vietnam – do it! Of course I was quite scared and respectful of my four-week trip, but in the end it was absolutely unfounded. The coordinators are absolutely great, the people there are super nice and immediately welcome you and this …

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Kindergarten in Vietnam – Review

My highlight was seeing the kids smile. Playing games with them, singing and dancing with them. Really brings out our inner child and our silliness. The kids are bright and excited to learn. Comments on local team, food and accommodation Local team was amazing & accomodating. Organising family nights on Monday with games , dinner & karaoke to helping you …

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Food Shop, Vietnam Review

A life experience! Food program was very fulfilling, I felt useful and loved shearing moment with locals. I didn’t “cook” or prepared food as I expected, but I enjoyed anyways. We served the trays and filled the containers for take away meals. After working, we ate lunch at the food shop with the workers of the restaurant, and food was …

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Medical Internship in Vietnam Review

Highlights of your trip observed surgeons to conduct surgery; assisted physiotherapist with some hands-on works; group activities with other volunteers. Comments on the local team, food and accommodation Excellent coordination and very responsible! Food is all good for me. The accommodation is good for me too, but perhaps the bed can be cleaner as I felt something (mites?) was biting …

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