Sri Lanka Special Needs Review by Arden

"I’ve never experienced a better sense of community️."

My experience in Sri Lanka was incredible!

Every day, since the moment I arrived, to the day I left I felt safe! Not only did the leaders guide us through busy streets of Kandy and navigate the busses for us, tell us how to get places safely on weekends and provide a lovely home for us, they are also very positive, friendly people! Hemantha is always working so hard and somehow amidst all of it, he will still find the time to talk to the vollies about anything! (I recommend slipping a joke in there whenever you can try to make him laugh every now & then.) I felt comfortable talking to the local staff about my own personal needs and how I was feeling throughout my trip!

The house for volunteers in Kandy was a great place to be! It was always full of like-minded people from all around the world and I made some of my most meaningful friendships there! I’ve never experienced a better sense of community️. Hemantha, all the aunties, leaders and participants became a kind of family for me while I was away and I know they will for anyone else who chooses to join with IVI!
What I loved most was my time with the differently-abled women in Kandy. I still can’t exactly find the right words to describe how it felt to be there with them but I do know that being with those women and girls made my heart feel full and I went home with a new understanding of what love and hope mean to me.

I encourage anyone who has a sort of travel bug eating at them to come here! It will be an experience you’ll never forget for all the laughter, friendship and beauty!

Arden, Canada

Special Needs Project in Sri Lanka

on wildlife viewing trip at the beach

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