Primary School Teaching Thailand Review

Here are my answers to your questions.

The highlights were seeing the children at the orphanage/school and the various places we visited during the culture week- they were very interesting


The accomodation was very nice despite the fact that it could get quite hot in the rooms. The bunk beds were perhaps a little disconcerting at first due to the lack of safety railings. The food was also good and the team was knowledgeable and friendly.


Improvements: Although this wasn’t the case for most other schools, for the most part we didn’t have a teacher in the classroom with us which made determining the skill level of the students and bridging the communication barrier rather difficult. Additionally, although a group of us took the bus back to the city, I was the only one going straight to the airport and catching a taxi by myself was slightly nerve-racking

However overall the trip was excellent and great fun

Emma Taylor


Link to Teaching Placement Thailand

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