Community Volunteering Review Nepal 2015

Well it was an experience of a lifetime, after about two days I sat back and thought I could stay here for months.......

Tony Borowicz4

Rajesh opened his home to myself and a group of other volunteers, made us feel at home and taught us the ways of Nepal.

The introduction week I would recommend to anyone, spending the week learning Nepalese and immersing ourselves in the culture and the way of life was the best introduction to any country I have visited. Rajesh was also accommodating in finding out what suited the needs of the individual and with my yoga and meditation background was able to offer me time at the IBA ( International Buddhist Academy ) to teach the monks english but to also learn about buddhist philosophy, for this I will forever be grateful.

For a country so peaceful the follows weeks were quite sad I just wished I had the ability to go back and help, my work being time specific this is not possible at the moment.

My thoughts are with the people of Nepal and the families of the wonderful people I was able to meet.

Thank you for organising the adventure for me. I am working on doing some volunteering in different places I will keep you posted of when this is.

Tony, Australia (March 2015)


Tony Borowicz3

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