Nutrition & Public Health 2019 Review

"I love my team! I think I got along with everyone, including people from the other team. I’ve made really good friends from this trip and I’m really grateful for that."

Hi Lauren, yes of course!

Highlights of the trip:

I love every second of it but if I have to choose my favourite ones would be the goat track from Nameka to Natuva village. It was one of the hardest thing I’ve ever done BUT seeing other volunteers ahead of me really motivated me to keep moving my feet through that mud and steep hill. Not to mention the view from that village is outstanding and the awesome hospitality we received from the people.

Uncle Kelepi’s family was very very kind to us, I still can’t believe they gave their bed for us to sleep on even though we would be happy to sleep on the floor.

I love Nasautoka Village the most, the people were the most lovely out of the other villages. Kat and I talked to the community health worker, Milky, a lot, we became really good friends and shared hundreds of laughs. We even added each other on Facebook! Haha l. I would love to visit that village and meet Milky again!


Comments on the team, food and accommodation:

I love my team! I think I got along with everyone, including people from the other team. I’ve made really good friends from this trip and I’m really grateful for that.

Fijian food tasted a bit different from the ones I usually eat back home, however I think the food was lovely! I love when they cooked for us, we got to know what food and how they cook on daily basis. The fruits were super sweet compared to Australian one, never enjoyed eating pineapple and watermelon so much in my life haha.

I love uncle Kelepi’s house in Tonia, even though the dogs and roosters crowing throughout the night, everyone in that village was very lovely and very grateful for us to be there! I often questioned myself throughout the trip whether I’ve done enough to make a difference, but Seeing their happy faces and how good they treated us, it was a constant reminder that I’m actually part of something great.


Any improvements to help us be better:

I think overall, it was well organised. But I think it would be good if we implement a greater focus on health promotion. It’s great that we do health checks to prevent the disease being left untreated but I believe preventing the disease to develop in the first place would be much better. 


I think that’s all for now, thank you so much Lauren for all your helpful and sweet replies ! Hope to see you one day! ?

Link to Nutrition & Public Health Fiji Project

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