Fiji Construction & Womens Commune Review

"we all worked as a team we got stuck in to it"

Highlights of the trip:
Some highlights of my trip to Fiji were meeting some of the community in Lautoka where we undertook the volunteer work. The look of joy and happiness on the kindergarten children, teachers and members of the woman’s community while we were working on the kindergarten made me appreciated that I had the chance to do something for the community that is in a disadvantaged state. Knowing what I did I feel pleasured to being able to help undertake this volunteer work.

Comments on the team, food and accommodation:
The way we all worked as a team we got stuck in to it and we all pitched ideas and did what work with the skills of each person had. The food was absolutely delicious and the accommodation was nice.

Any improvements to help us be better:
One improvement that can be made is to have the material there or order so when volunteers get to the site all the goods that are needed are there and ready to go.

Kind Regards

Find out more: Fiji Construction Project

IVI volunteer at Fiji remote building project IVI volunteer at Fiji remote building project IVI volunteer at Fiji remote building project

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