Construction Project Fiji Review by Andrew

"The accommodation at Mary and Masi's home was extremely nice, from the moment we arrived they made us feel welcomed and as part of their family. "

Thank you so much, it definitely was an amazing experience!

Highlights of the trip:
The biggest highlight of the trip for me was the actual volunteering, and helping rebuild the kindergarten. I thoroughly enjoyed getting hands on and I was quite proud of what we achieved in the short amount of time we hand there.
Playing footing with the local kids after the days work was also a big highlight of the tip for me.

Comments on the team, food and accommodation:
The food was exceptional, having local dishes and snacks for morning tea breaks at the women and children’s commune was another highlight for me. A great way to experience the local food.
The accommodation at Mary and Masi’s home was extremely nice, from the moment we arrived they made us feel welcomed and as part of their family. They were great hosts and definitely made stay in Nadi very comfortable and enjoyably.
The team and everyone we talked to during our volunteering were all so lovely and friendly. I couldn’t have asked for a better team over there!

Any improvements to help us be better:
I honestly cannot even think of any improvements, just because I had such a great time over there and my experience with IVI was outstanding!

Find out more: Fiji Construction Project

IVI Volunteers with group of children in Fiji IVI voluntter working on fiji building project

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