Volunteer Reviews

A Nutrition Project Review in Vanuatu

Highlights: Visiting pele island and interacting with the community there. Seeing the local champions be so interested in nutrition and want to learn how to help their community. Experiencing the culture of vanuatu, even island time and understanding their circumstances and culture more the provide better advice e.g. using their healthy plate model Comments: Lynne and Marysan were amazing, super …

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Jasmin’s Review on Teaching in Vanuatu

Thank you so much for the opportunity I have loved every minute of it. The highlight of the trip was the people we got to share it with, Lynne and Marysan were so kind, caring and made us feel very welcome. The meals cooked for us were delicious and the time I got to spend with the kids was amazing …

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IVI Making progress in Fiji & Vanuatu!

Here’s IVI’s nutrition coordinator for Fiji talking about the work we are doing over there and the progress we have seen so far! Volunteers really can make the world of difference so please, enquire about our projects today! Watch the clip from this post here: Great health check results in Fiji Also watch more great resuts from our Vanuatu Nutrition …

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We Attended Torrens Uni Open Day! For students interested in health courses

IVI team members Lauren and Sam attended the Torrens University Open day last weekend for those wanting to pursue a career in Health Sciences. That’s Nutrition, Naturopathy, Public Health and Nursing (and anything else related!). The day started off with everybody setting up their stalls and introducing ourselves to one another (plus grabbing the free food and barista made coffee …

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Vanuatu Review- Father & Son Volunteering

Once again thank you so much for your support and encouragement. It was such a unique and wonderful experience for Nick and I. We were so well looked after by Lynne and Marysan and we will always be so grateful for their care and support which really went beyond what we could have expected. Our experience at the school was …

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Vanuatu Review of Primary Teaching

I had an amazing time in Vanuatu with IVI. The coordinators were absolutely lovely and were so friendly, welcoming and helpful during my stay. I felt right at home. However, the highlight of my visit was the kids! They were so eager to learn and so loving that it was difficult to say goodbye on my last day. Overall, this …

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Marine Conservation in Vanuatu Review

Project: Fiji island & Vanuatu Marine Conservation Just wanted to say a big thank you for all your help with everything and patience with me ?  Fiji was such an amazing experience working in the villages with such humble, happy and beautiful people who truly valued our input an experience I’ll never forget. I would just like to also say …

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Thank-you for the donations Aspley Hornets Football Club

  Thank-you so much to Shailea Maddern who volunteered in Vanuatu providing free healthcare and nutrition support to villages with the Healthcare Outreach Project.   When Shailea told Aspley Hornets Football Club she was going to volunteer they asked what they could donate.  Then their members started asking what they could donate … so they put a suitcase in reception …

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Vanuatu Public Health & Nutrition Review

? Here’s my experience Thinking back to the two weeks that I spent in Vanuatu volunteering was magical and amazing. It opened up my mind much more, to see the world in greater depths as we should not always take everything for granted. The challenges that we face in our everyday lives will always take a step backward when we …

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Vanuatu Public Health & Nutrition Review by Sonia

Thank you for the opportunity to return to Vanuatu, if was a very exciting memorable and I would love to volunteer again Highlights of the trip: As I have worked in Vanuatu previously I appreciated being accepted in the villages to complete the health checks. It was very special to be welcomed and see how they were so grateful for …

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Vanuatu Review

Wish I never got to leave as I’m already having withdrawals.  Highlights of the trip:  The overall trip was amazing. I loved getting to know the students and having full control of teaching the class. Although it was challenging, I loved every part of the teaching program.  Having some free time on the weekends was also great to explore some …

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Public Health & Nutrition Review from Vanuatu

Highlights of the trip: There were plenty of highlights, just to name a few, team building. It was a great sensation, knowing how quickly we all bonded and how the program is run. I think you did a great job managing the team and also making everyone feel comfortable. The pre-training before entering the villages was great. I enjoyed learning …

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Public Health Vanuatu Review 2019

Nutrition and public health group outreach  Extremely sorry for the very long delay… Thinking back to the two weeks that I spent in Vanuatu volunteering was magical and amazing. It opened up my mind much more, to see the world in greater depths as we should not always take everything for granted.   The challenges that we face in our …

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Vanuatu Public Health Outreach Blog – Cherry Wong Nutritionist Student

ORIENTATION DAY/ MARKET TOUR THE SUGAR PROPS Project Overview In Vanuatu, the majority of deaths are caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which can be prevented. In particular, the prevalence of diabetes ranks sixth globally. The aim of the outreach project is health promotion and free assessments about nutrition and healthy lifestyle in the prevention of diabetes and development of other …

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Vanuatu Nutrition Outreach Review 2019

Highlights: Hard to choose one highlight but we went to a village called Mele wassizi to do health checks. When we arrived, nobody was there and we thought it was going to be a really slow day. Then we met one villager who said we could set up in the community hall. I went around to the houses telling people …

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Nutrition & Public Health Group Outreach Vanuatu 2019

Hi Lauren Apologies for the late testimonial… After my month of volunteering in Vanuatu (two weeks health checks two weeks kindy teaching) I spent a week in Fiji and returned home this week. My month in Vanuatu was simply priceless. The first two weeks were very far out of my comfort zone but a very positive and constructive challenge. Having …

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Nutrition & Public Health Vanuatu

And that’s a wrap! Words can not express the emotion I feel for this life changing experience, as you all know I have spent the last few weeks in Vanuatu volunteering conducting health checks within the local villages we were able to conduct over 400 health checks. These health checks included Blood pressure and heart rate, Blood glucose and general …

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